Category: Motherhood


Happy Friday everyone. The arrival of the Baby Bean has turned our world upside down, no doubt about that, but in all the right ways though. One of the things we have to adjust to is the new concept of planning, and all the new events in our life; we’re talking weekend visitors, baby play dates, birthdays and so on… Good thing I love planning things!

Right now we are planning his naming party, we are not having a baptism, so we have decided to just make it a nice naming dinner, just to gather some family and friends for a good meal and a small celebration of the Bean. I’m thinking great food, great drinks and a relaxed feel,  so these days I have been looking around for some dinner party inspiration to get us going. The one thing I really wish we had though is a backyard! Would be the perfect setting for a great dinner party!

Have a great weekend!



We hit the two month mark with the Baby Bean yesterday, and I am finally starting to figure out what is for me and what is not. So new lists of items I really want to get my hands on, like todays’ baby want; The Solly Baby Wrap.

We have the Ergobaby carrier with the infant insert, and I love it. But for me it’s more of an outdoor carrier, when I wear it inside I feel like the Bean gets a bit hot and bothered, even if he loves being all snuggled in there. So I am looking for a great extra on the baby wearing side, and The Solly seems absolutely perfect. The Bean is as addicted to me as I am to him, which makes it a bit hard to leave him alone when I have things to do around the house. For a while now I’ve been looking at the Solly Wrap, because I want something lightweight, simple and not as space consuming as the Ergobaby to carry the Bean in. So the Solly seems like the perfect thing to wrap on and carry the Bean with me as I clean the house, take the dog for a short walk, pop by the shop for groceries – the list goes on… And then I can keep him close to me, and still have my arms free. Unfortunately I haven’t come across anyone here in Norway that sells the Solly, so I’ll just have to get it from the US, I guess when you’re waiting for something great it’s all worth it, or something like that!

As I wait for my Solly to arrive, here is some visual inspiration to get me by! And you should definitely check out the Solly Baby Blog for some amazing visual input.

{Click the images for source}

Anyone got any experience with the Solly Baby Wrap?



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So this just happened, 7 days ago I entered motherhood, approximately 14 days before I planned to… This took us all by a bit of a surprise, so I have been pulling a “welcome to the world Baby Bean hiatus”, and it seems to be taking up all my time. I will do my best to keep up with some posts here – I just won’t make any promises to when these posts will arrive.

I am thoroughly enjoying my new leading man and his peculiar being, so I’ll see you on the flip side!



I’ve had more than a few changes happening to me lately, at least for the last 8 months of my life, both physically and mentally. The physical changes are all quite normal, since I am growing a human being inside my body, so changes are bound to happen, but the changes in mentality is what has got me the most fascinated. One of the big changes is that some sort of organizing gene has hit me hard! I guess it could have something to do with the realization that my life will suddenly include a lot more stuff, like tiny trousers, diapers, cool miniature shoes and toys… And in my world these items all need somewhere to call home.

We have organized a lot of the baby stuff already, clothes have been organized by size, diapers are ready for the first week home… The bouncy chair, car seat and stroller are all stacked away downstairs, ready for the arrival of the mini. But right now I am hunting for some more visible storage ideas, for example for toys, books and other items that will be kept out of the dressers we’ve got around the house.

I am really linking the idea of paper bags as storage, makes for a great {and not to time-consuming} DIY project, or one could pick up one pre-painted and ready to go from a shop… Just need to figure out where I can get a hold of some paper bags around here, preferably looking like these ones via

Or maybe I should just order a few from Tellkiddolike this amazing bear one!

I am also feeling like a couple of these cork storage boxes could make for a great addition to the home, via.

Crate shelves are great for books and tiny toys on display, unknown source. We’ve got three crate shelves we’ve added to the wall of our nursery corner, since we don’t have a full on room for the baby bean at the moment… You can check some of the nesting photos here.

 These storage bins right here give me a circus feelvia

Love this shelf, some items on display, some hidden away… via

I say yes to display shelves, especially display shelves filled with wooden robots and storm troopers, unknown source

Both me and The H agrees, we need some of these Lego storage boxes for the baby bean, via

This built-in storage solution is brilliant, and I will try my best to keep it in mind till he gets his own room {and ages a bit}, via

Storage boxes with faces, why not? via

Bring some color to your space with these sacks, via

Basket love, via

Storage on wheels, via

Brilliant wall storage, I would place this by his changing station in the bathroom, to keep the bare necessities close and ready at all times… via



Before I continue down the road of my regular instagram favorites I thought I’d make a special post devoted to my future as a mother, only 1 month left of waiting now!

Here is a collection of my favorite motherhood instagrammers… Enjoy!

































Do you have any favorite motherhood related instagrammers out there? Please do share!
