Tagged: wall


I know this isn’t a viable option for our new place – but one day I will have glass walls in my home. We went to a couple of furniture shops today, getting into the home owner groove, deciding on where to sit and what table to eat our dinners off when I overheard a conversation… This was just a normal conversation between a sales person and someone looking for the right sofa, but then suddenly the customer said she was having a glass wall! I was probably green with home envy right then, so of course, after spending a couple of hours at home selecting stuff online to purchase when we get the keys I fell into the habit of looking for what I want when I get the opportunity… Some day I will have my glass wall – and it might look a bit like these:












Boom, I’m ready to suppress this craving – at least for a bit… Or maybe I’ll find somewhere in the new place where I can make this happen? We’ll see…



Finally! It will be mine – after months of hunting and endless waiting…

I have finally put in an order for one of my favorite Andy Warhol quote posters. I have been on the hunt for this poster for months. First of all I checked out the modern museum in Stockholm – they did not sell it via their online shop – so then I had a choice; fly to Stockholm – buy the poster – fly back OR go on a bananas hunt on the internet. I chose the latter – since I did not find enough reasons for taking a trip to Stockholm besides the obvious one of getting a poster… Then after hours of hunting online – I came across a blog – unfortunately this is so long ago I do not remember which blog – but that is not the point! This girl had found an online shop in Japan that sold the posters – I almost ended up weeing my pants at the idea of finally reaching my goal – the poster!  I rummaged through the online shop just to realize they were all sold out – in desperation I sent them a pleading email asking them to restock… I didn’t hear from them – and my obsession slowly died – until today… They got back to me – and they have restocked – and I have sent in my order – and I just might wee my pants… I must admit I almost ended up putting in an order for all four posters – but after some heavy breathing – I decided on the “I like boring things…” one (H put his foot down). I will be waiting by the mailbox for the next couple of weeks – can’t wait to hang it on my empty walls – just need to decide on a good place to hang it – oh the joy!

Here is some inspiration to keep my obsession going:

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all images via



This will start of a bit weird. I was looking for some new cases for my new phone today – and I came across this gorgeous little thing with pink flamingos on it from Ted Baker. It was only for Iphone – and since I am sporting Samsung it was not a match made in heaven. I even considered shedding a tear or two over it – not a problem since I have caught some sort of cold – so I am naturally shedding tears and snot all over the place – I know over sharing. . . So instead I ended up getting something grey for my phone – but the flamingos stuck with me – all through the day. I am not joking – as my day passed on pink flamingos popped up in my head – washing my hands – oh pink flamingo – eating some Thai – oh pink flamingo… You catch my drift. So I realized I need some pink flamingos in my life – I must mention that I do have a bunch of pink flamingos as the background on my phone – which could play a part in my random pop up flamingo thoughts. I have decided that I want flamingos on the wall. I am not thinking pink flamingo madness – but I want at least one lovely flamingo something on the wall. Here is the stuff I have gathered to keep my inspiration juices flowing the flamingo way.





I am a big fan of walls covered in art. . . I am not gonna lie about it – white walls with nothing on it reminds me of hospitals or even a psyche ward. Lately I’ve been charmed by plates on walls – I love it when someone makes a bundle of plates on a wall seem well put together – I do not think I have this ability though. I wouldn’t mind a couple of plates randomly-but-not-so-randomly placed around my house. Since I am currently waiting for my pay-day I am on the hunt – hunt for fascinating plates. I have found a few – but to pay over a 100 quid for one plate is not my style. I do love putting some money in luxury items that I know will last me a long time – but a plate? No way – if I am putting a lot of money into something it is usually something I can wear – or sit on! If worst comes to worst I will even consider painting my own plates – been years since I painted anything – besides my random aquarelle rants. . . Here is some inspiration – platiration if you want!

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all images via






I should start wearing hats! I have never been big on hats, mostly because I don’t feel they fit me – and when I try to wear hats it just ends up feeling awkward. But right now – I am on the route to sort this out – I need to get rid of my hat awkwardness and start wearing them hats. This is so that I can have a great excuse to create my own great wall of hats! I adore a good collection of hats on a wall – and I want my own. My perfect one would be in my hallway – right now it is just one simple white wall with nothing on it. But if someone came over today and I had a wall full of hats they would not believe it – since no one has seen me wear a hat – I even have issues with my woollen beanies in winter. I’ll get straight on my hat wearing skills and work with my hat wearing anxiety asap – if it doesn’t work I will simply start collecting hats – in the meantime here is some hat on the wall inspiration.

all images via



I (M) am a huge fan of self portraits, I have done my fair share myself, mostly because I know more people who hate being in front of a camera than i know people who love a camera close by. After me and H went to see an art exhibition in Oslo last summer containing some work by Andy Warhol I have been noticing some amazing self portraits done by him. I have decided that I want Andy Warhols face on my wall. I think I have decided on some options, since it will be my house warming gift to my self I still have about 2 weeks to decide. The choice is between:

This is the most likely outcome.

I do also love the drag collection. He did look amazing as a queen.

This is the last option, I love this because of the look on his dace and the way the white eyebrows stand out.

I hate choosing, most likely Andy and Skull will be hanging on my wall in a couple of weeks time. Which is your favorite?
